CERN Accelerating science

Create your own ATLAS experiment with 3D printing

Recreate the iconic ATLAS experiment using 3D printing!
ATLAS experiment 3D printed model Recreate the iconic ATLAS experiment using 3D printing!

Celebrating a decade of innovation connecting science and society: the journey of IdeaSquare

Celebrating a decade of innovation connecting science and society: the journey of IdeaSquare

Prototype profile: Switch Support for High Pressure valves

Switch Support for High Pressure valves

CMS and ATLAS have several cooling systems underground and on the surface with manifolds that need to be operated manually. In these manifolds, there are several high-pressure valves which are purely mechanical parts.

The aim of the switch support is to be able to install on each valve a simple switch in order to allow the monitorisation of the valve position from a SCADA platform without the need to be on-site.

Prototype profile: ATLAS Forward shielding mock-up for HL-WP8

ATLAS Forward shielding mock-up for HL-WP8

In the context of the Hi-Lumi upgrade, several operations will be done in the region of the interface between the experimental caverns of ATLAS and CMS and the LHC tunnel.

Prototyping profile: Alignment mechanism for ATLAS/CMS

Alignment mechanism for ATLAS/CMS

Installed inside the shielding of two of the largest experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS and CMS there are special collimators known as the Target Absorbers (TAS).

This equipment needs to be adjusted manually each time the detector opens. In addition to this, the TAS has been modified over the years, meaning that the alignment procedure does not match the procedure that was originally envisaged.

Prototype profile: ATLAS Phase II Screwholder

Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, aims to make a screwholder for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade on MDT detectors.
ATLAS Phase II Screwholder Prototyping makes up one of the key pillars of IdeaSquare. A recent prototype, started in March 2023, aims to make a screwholder for the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade on MDT detectors.

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