During 3 days in November, CBI A3 took place at IdeaSquare. Students from Inno-Space Mannheim used the open space and its many AV solutions, the machine shop as well as some containers to carry out their challenge based innovation (CBI) design thinking project (DTP).
The DTP-CBI A3 program combines CERN technologies and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). For the full duration of 7 months, student teams design applications relevant to future scenarios for 2020-2030. CBI aims to combine real life problems with these technologies and give them a societal application, thus closing the gap between super-science and society. CBI runs in collaboration with the Design Factory Melbourne and IdeaSquare CERN.
9 master students of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences attended this shortened version of the experience. Instead of an intense 2 week stay for the students at CERN and IdeaSquare, due to covid, a 3-day trip was organised instead. This phase intervenes in the early stage of the 7-month process. One main objective of the CERN experience is to accelerate the students' thinking, make them aware what it means to think big/exponential. Laura Wirtavuori (student programme coordinator) and Pablo Trello were highly involved in the organisation of this experience from the IdeaSquare side.