At IdeaSquare, recurring workshops are held by Alberto Perro with the help of Dina Zimmermann to learn the basics with an Arduino.
The Arduino is a microcontroller, a small computer, that is easily programmed through an interface called the Arduino IDE. The microcontroller makes it easy to communicate with a considerable number of different sensors. In these workshops, participants can communicate with it via the Internet through an API. This makes it a great tool for building your own electronic projects.
Our speaker, Alberto Perro, is a PhD student in Physics at the LHCb Experiment. He has worked as an embedded devices engineer for eight years and has hosted numerous courses about Arduino, electronics and rapid prototyping. In the workshops that he held at IdeaSquare, he proposes different themes, using the Arduino for different functions such as traffic lights, air quality monitors, presence detectors, etc.
Arduino used as a movement detector
CERN personnel are able to learn how to make it work without any prior knowledge, and more importantly, to gain comprehension of how software and hardware can communicate. It's also a good way for people without any technical background to be able to understand the basic philosophy behind it, as well as to understand the limitations of the technology, and to gain a better understanding of their technical colleagues.
These workshops are held at IdeaSquare on a monthly basis, and you can participate in just one or all of them. So if you want to build a rapid solution that can represent your more complex problem, expand your technical knowledge, or if you are just curious, come and learn!
You can find the next ones coming here on Indico.